THE RENNES PHOENIX SOCIETY is devoted to carrying on the ideals of the Rennes Research Group which was founded early in 1992 with the aim of bringing together people with an interest in Rennes-le-Château’s archaeological, historical and esoteric past, including the geological, geographical, religious and political aspects. Since 1983 Primary Source Material which is unknown to the English-speaking public has appeared. We hope to make this available to members, and eventually an awareness of our findings to the general public. The group is an “open society”, working on the basis of a written constitution. All views are invited and will be accorded equal respect.
All submissions written by bona fide members and sent for inclusion in the newsletter will be printed as space permits.
The Rennes-le-Château Observer (click here for a List of Issues and the contents plus links to some sample articles) is the journal of the Rennes-le-Château Phoenix Society. The Observer is published quarterly. Journal issues are published in the Spring, Summer and Autumn and we have a special newsletter in Winter. Membership costs £20 per year for residents of Great Britain or $30.00 for
the United States.
Mail membership fees to our treasurer:
Geoff Myton
17, West Ridge
Allesley Park
Coventry, CV5 9LN
The Chairman is John Walker (e-mail at and the Editor is Stephen Anderson (e-mail at Geoff Myton is the Treasurer.
Other Pages on this Site
Supplemental Material Sometimes we can't fit everything into an issue, so this is where you will find additional material, colour pictures, etc.
Translations This is where you can find the original French documents and the English translations.
Topics If you have a particular interest, this is where you can find links to them on this site.
Time-lines Putting events in chronological order helps us keep track of influences and patterns.
Contacts For people to correspond with members.
Links Useful and interesting links.
Unfortunately, at this time we are not able to grant access to the workspace for those who are not officers of the Rennes Phoenix Society. Any contributions for inclusion in the Observer may be sent to the Editor,
Stephen Anderson at Only members of the Rennes Phoenix Society are guaranteed to have their articles included in the Observer.
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